Passolution Dataservice API

The Passolution Dataservice API is a RESTful interface to retrieve entry requirements, visa regulations, health information and more.

Target Group

This description is suitable for suppliers of front and back office systems, as well as tour operators and OTAs who wish to deliver data from Passolution within the framework of the EU Package Travel Directive and Covid-19 regulations via their systems to travel agencies or end customers.

Available Languages

  • German
  • English
  • French
  • Italian
  • Spanish
  • Dutch
  • Portuguese
  • Polish
  • Russian

API Requests

The API is stateless. Requests to the API are made using HTTP GET & POST requests. The API uses the JSON format as output.

API Endpoint for live environment



The API implements OAuth 2 specification for authentication and authorization for private use and for providing services to Passolution clients. If you wish to provide services to our clients, kindly contact us to get your OAuth details (Client ID & Secret) which you will need for requesting access to API on a client's behalf. Please send us a redirect URL which is needed to generate the access token and to refresh the access token.

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Bearer Token / Access Token

Accessing the Passolution Data Service API is also possible via access token authentication.

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OAUTH Endpoints for live environment

Authorization URL:

Token URL:

Token Refresh URL:

It is possible to access the pages for authentication in German. In this case, the URLs can be called up with /de instead of /en.


HTTP Status Codes

Code Meaning Description
200 OK The API request is successful.
204 NO CONTENT There is no content available for the request.
401 AUTHORIZATION ERROR Invalid credentials used.
403 FORBIDDEN No permission to do the operation.
404 METHOD NOT ALLOWED The specified method is not allowed.
429 TOO MANY REQUESTS Number of API requests for month period is exceeded or the concurrency limit of the user for the app is exceeded.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR Generic error that is encountered due to an unexpected server error.

Documentation Resources

Documentation of the resource can be found at the following link:

Documentation Resources

Any Questions?

Passolution Website

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